Student should pay attention to the announcements from the Hong Kong Observatory on the warning signal of tropical cyclone and the corresponding study arrangement indicated in the table below. Announcements/News from the Education Bureau would not be the finalized decision applied to the School.

  1. A. During study term
    1. a. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 or 3 and Amber or Red Rainstorm Warning without Extreme Condition
           When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 or 3 /Amber or Red Rainstorm Signal is in force, all classes or examinations will be held as scheduled.
    2. b. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above/ Black Rainstorm Warning/ Extreme Condition
      1. i. NOT YET at School
        當懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號/ 黑色暴雨警告/ 極端情況時,課堂的安排如下:
        When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above/ Black Rainstorm Warning/ Extreme Condition is hoisted, arrangements of Lectures/ Tutorials/ Seminars/ Tests/ Examinations:
        Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above
        Black Rainstorm Warning
        Extreme Condition
        如颱風訊號/ 暴雨警告/ 極端情況在 06:30 或 06:30 後仍然懸掛
        If the signal/ warning/ Extreme Condition is hoisted at/ after 06:30
        All AM session(s) of school activities scheduled in the time table will be cancelled.
        如颱風訊號/ 暴雨警告/ 極端情況在 12:00 或 12:00 後仍然懸掛
        If the signal/ warning/ Extreme Condition is hoisted at/ after 12:00
        All PM session(s) of school activities scheduled in the time table will be cancelled.
        The make-up session(s) will be scheduled as earliest as feasible.
        School activities included: Classroom teaching, tutorial, seminar, laboratory, test and examination, etc.
      2. ii. At School

        When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that the signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or likely to be hoisted in the next two hours, subsequent classes will be cancelled.

        (* Refer to Section VIII - the arrangement of Tropical Cyclone Warning signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning / Extreme Condition)

        As advised by the Government, people stay indoors or should take shelter in a safe place during a Black Rainstorm Warning. The school activities and examinations will continue unless otherwise announced by the School.

  2. B. During field study
    1. 當懸掛一號或三號颱風訊號 / 黃色或紅色暴雨警告時:學生須依時返回實習單位,進行臨床實習。除非學校發出特別聲明。
    When Topical Cyclone No.1 or No.3/ Yellow or Red Rainstorm is hoisted: all clinical practicum will proceed as scheduled unless a special announcement has been made by the School.
    2. 當懸掛八號或更高颱風訊號 / 黑色暴雨警告 / 極端情況時,臨牀實習的安排如下:
    When Tropical Cyclone No. 8 or above/ Black Rainstorm Warning/ Extreme Condition is hoisted, arrangements of clinical practicum are as below:
    Tropical Cyclone No.8 or above
    Black Rainstorm Warning
    Extreme Condition
    a) 如颱風訊號/暴雨警告/極端情況在 04:00 或 04:00 後仍然懸掛
    If the signal/ warning/ extreme condition is hoisted at/ after 04:00
    如颱風訊號/暴雨警告/極端情況在 04:00 或 04:00 後仍然懸掛
    If the signal/ warning/ extreme condition is hoisted at/ after 04:00
    b) 如颱風訊號/暴雨警告/極端情況在 06:00 或 06:00 後仍然懸掛
    If the signal/ warning/ extreme condition is hoisted at/ after 06:00
    所有日班(D duty) 實習將會取消。
    All Day duty of clinical practicum will be cancelled.
    c) 如颱風訊號/暴雨警告/極端情況在 11:00 或 11:00 後仍然懸掛
    If the signal/ warning/ extreme condition is hoisted at/ after 11:00
    所有午班 (P duty) 實習將會取消。
    All Pm duty of clinical practicum will be cancelled.
    d) 如颱風訊號/暴雨警告/極端情況在 18:00 或 18:00 後仍然懸掛
    If the signal/ warning/ extreme condition is hoisted at/ after 18:00
    所有夜班 (N duty) 實習將會取消。`
    All Night duty of clinical practicum will be cancelled.
    e) 在實習時間內發出颱風訊號/暴雨警告
    If the signal/ warning is hoisted during the clinical practicum hours
    All clinical practicum should be suspended immediately and students will be dismissed from clinical venue.
    如實習在戶內進行 :
    如實習在戶外進行 :
    If clinical practicum is held indoors:
    All clinical practicum should be continued.
    If clinical practicum is held outdoors:
    Clinical mentor shall suspend the activities immediately and keep the student in a sheltered environment until it is safe for him/her to return home.
    Not applicable
    如訊號/ 警告在實習時間內除下,當天的實習亦會繼續取消。
    No resumption of clinical practicum once the signal/ warning is lowered within the shift of clinical practicum.